Good morning to all. I have to make this quick because the prospect of sleep is really appealing to me at this hour. Big busy day ahead.
Had a very good day today. Mom came into town and it was a pleasure to see her. Amanda, my mother, my mother's friend Sheila, and I all went out for dinner as well.
I have been listening to the sequence for the new record (out April 20th) and I am quite proud of the work that has been done for it. This had always been my dream to handle everything from the playing to the ALL of the production. It is truly a dream come true. One of the things I tried to focus on was the sound of the guitars. It has been one hell of a journey, and it will most certainly be a bitter-sweet ending. I am really looking forward to the next adventure, but sad to see this come to an end all at the same time. I am currently looking for other musicians to play a handful of dates with this projects. As those become available they will be posted on the official site:
Which reminds me the pre-order sale has already started for the new record you can find that at the Siflatic Store. I have released a few "album teasers" for the public in general to listen to. However I have been reluctant to upload an entire song because of personal reasons.
I can say this though: THIS RECORD IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! I have put out a lot of music in the last few years and I can honestly say this is some of my favorite shit EVER!
The next project on the agenda is a project called Charlie Christ. This is a project Amanda and I started last year and we are expecting an October release date of an EP's worth of material AT LEAST. Which (funny enough) was the initial plan for PBM! but 4 songs turned into 6, and then 7, plus 3 demo tracks! You (the buyer) are definitely getting your money's worth. No bullshit! All killer, NO FILLER!
One last thing. I was supposed to be on the new Immure Recess album (The Dark Frontline) however I haven't received any tracks to lay down as of yet. I know there have been technical difficulties on McBride's end so hopefully my tracks on that album should see the light of day. I am still looking forward to working on the album. Let's hope that these issues get worked out soon.
Anyway that's about it on our end here at Siflatic headquarters, and Room 36 Studio. I believe February 23 we are dropping the first single from the record. Look for it, jam it out, and prepare for total destruction! Until then keep listening to Black Sabbath.
Hail Satan,
Jason R. Donnelly
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